Welcome: Shengyang storage battery (Shandong) Co., Ltd.
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Business platform

Address: No. 1 Shengyang Road, Qufu, Shandong.
Zip code: 110000
Tel: 0086-400-997-1586
Fax: 0086-400-997-1586-876
Mailbox: xvdianchi@foxmail.com
Beijing Office
Service hotline: 400-997-1586
Technical services:
13611384616 13240187717
13520091780 13552648197

Shandong Shengyang Power Supply Co., Ltd. (Shengyang Stock, Stock Code 002580) is a state-level high-tech enterprise, the company was founded in 1991, 2011 in Shenzhen SME board listed. In the field of new energy, the company provides energy storage power supply, standby power supply, power supply and system integrated power supply products and solutions to customers at home and abroad. The company currently has a total assets of 2 billion yuan, more than 2,000 employees, under three wholly-owned subsidiaries, is a well-known enterprise in the world.

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